

Remuneration code implementation

For those who are directly affected by the Remuneration Code, today is a milestone. In their policy statement (PS 10/20), the FSA made clear that it expects firms that have not yet fully implemented the Code (especially Principles 1-6, 9, 10 and 11) to have in place by the end of January ‘a time specific plan’ for implementation. As firms have had so little time since the publication of the rules, it is well understood by FSA that implementation is unlikely to be complete and hence the deferred deadlines. However, the implementation plan is the quid pro quo for this deferral and is a mechanism for FSA to be able to see that the process has begun and the firm knows how it will bring into play the relevant parts of the Code. Nevertheless it is clear that many firms are still uncertain precisely how to proceed, looking in many cases for further guidance. If you want to discuss implementation plans, give us a call.

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A New Website for a New Year

We launched this new website at the beginning of 2011 to start the New Year with a bang! The site now provides case studies and guidance on how we believe we can best assist our clients, but most importantly it contains a news page (which everybody seems to want to call a ‘blog’). This is not intended for daily comments on the way of the world, but something rather closer to a library of notes on key developments in regulation.

I hope that you find the website useful and informative, but I hope that it will not become a substitute for direct communication, which is invariably more interesting.

Happy New Year

Oliver Lodge

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Barnier comments troubling for City

This letter was published in the Financial Times on 16th December 2010.

Michel Barnier had just attended the Treasury Committee and told them that he saw no real risk of financial services firms leaving London as a result of excessive regulation. His remarks have been met with some scepticism and concern.

Financial Times letter 161210

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